Dear Praying Friends,
I was awoken at about 3 am by my cell phone ringing. The caller was Pastor Moses from South Sudan. Upon answering we Praised God together for the connection but then Moses said
"It is a crisis here... PLEASE keep praying..."
My friends, I am sure you have heard maybe small comments about South Sudan's civil war. In fact there are many reports on war, terrorism, and disasters all around the world. This plead might sound like just another to add to the list. However, what made this distinct for me was the man talking to me last night.
Moses is a man who went through the 25 years of war with the Northern Sudanese army destroying his village over and over again. Then after that and South Sudan's independence they finally rebuilt and planted crops with hope of peace to have a civil war break out with more fighting. His village was spared much of that fighting but Moses carried the burden of many of the born again believing Churches in South Sudan and traveled dodging (often random) bullets. They could be from Government forces, rebel forces or just desperate groups raiding others for food or supplies to live. For the past year food has been very scarce except what you grow yourself and hope others do not harvest before you can. Culturally this was unheard in villages until recent situations. However, the born again Churches, (that is their title I use), have been storing and distributing food in the name of Jesus to those in need as best they can in spite of their own shortages. Moses was there to encourage and assist his brethren.
Personally he had his struggles as well. He cared for his wife and elder brother through illnesses that could have been treated but was unavailable to them. His son was denied great education opportunities because he was not of the correct "Church group" that he left out of commitment to the Word of God.
Throughout ALL of that, he never labelled any of those situations as a "CRISIS" . All were in God;s hands and Moses knew that and trusted in Him. I do not have any real details from him but that one line from this last phone call seemed to say it all. We lost the signal a few times and he did mention Pastor Hakim, and Tom as needing prayer support as well.
Will you join me in praying for our Sudanese brethren in Christ during this CRISIS?
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)
I was awoken at about 3 am by my cell phone ringing. The caller was Pastor Moses from South Sudan. Upon answering we Praised God together for the connection but then Moses said
"It is a crisis here... PLEASE keep praying..."
My friends, I am sure you have heard maybe small comments about South Sudan's civil war. In fact there are many reports on war, terrorism, and disasters all around the world. This plead might sound like just another to add to the list. However, what made this distinct for me was the man talking to me last night.
Moses is a man who went through the 25 years of war with the Northern Sudanese army destroying his village over and over again. Then after that and South Sudan's independence they finally rebuilt and planted crops with hope of peace to have a civil war break out with more fighting. His village was spared much of that fighting but Moses carried the burden of many of the born again believing Churches in South Sudan and traveled dodging (often random) bullets. They could be from Government forces, rebel forces or just desperate groups raiding others for food or supplies to live. For the past year food has been very scarce except what you grow yourself and hope others do not harvest before you can. Culturally this was unheard in villages until recent situations. However, the born again Churches, (that is their title I use), have been storing and distributing food in the name of Jesus to those in need as best they can in spite of their own shortages. Moses was there to encourage and assist his brethren.
Personally he had his struggles as well. He cared for his wife and elder brother through illnesses that could have been treated but was unavailable to them. His son was denied great education opportunities because he was not of the correct "Church group" that he left out of commitment to the Word of God.
Throughout ALL of that, he never labelled any of those situations as a "CRISIS" . All were in God;s hands and Moses knew that and trusted in Him. I do not have any real details from him but that one line from this last phone call seemed to say it all. We lost the signal a few times and he did mention Pastor Hakim, and Tom as needing prayer support as well.
Will you join me in praying for our Sudanese brethren in Christ during this CRISIS?
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)