Doug is set to leave tomorrow - Saturday 23 April, 2016, for the second Mongolian teaching module this year. He will be accompanied by Pastor Dave Sincock and Charles (Chuck) Moehring. They will be teaching all week in the TRI-M sessions and then teaching on the following Saturday in the Baptist Bible Institute/ Seminary of a few of the "students". Most likely the three will also be preaching at least once that next Sunday as well. A busy schedule but good one.
Please join us in prayer for
1) safety during the travel both in the air and on the ground between teaching modules for both us the teachers and the "students" coming in for the training.
2) God's grace to be evident for the Mongolian students' families who also sacrifice to allow the men to leave them for a week for the training.
3) Protection and encouragement for the teachers' wives and families as we travel half way around the world from them.
4) Also Doug is hoping to begin working with a select group of the Leaders and Organizers on orienting them in teaching the Mongolian curriculum themselves to new future groups. Truly the Mongolian field is white unto harvest and the laborers (Leaders) are few. But more are being called and trained to train others 2 Timothy 2:2. Pray that this will be a good first step towards the Mongolians becoming a permanent part of this teaching.
5) Preparation for a new Tri-M teaching module in an Asian country a few weeks after Doug returns from Mongolia.
Thanks for praying for God to receive the glory through all of this!
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)