Greetings brethren,
We desired to update and let you know that I have returned from Mongolia yesterday. In answer to your prayer support, the teaching module went very well. The Mongolian Leaders chose a new location for this teaching module in order to expose this type of training to a new area. We are over half way in the training cycle of this second group of Mongolian Church Leaders. Being at this new location provided a great way to prime the pump for a third group to expand outside the major area of the first and second group of students if Jesus does not return before. The training seemed to go very well and local Pastors were very encouraged that we were there doing the training. Most of the students had to travel greater distances but they still came and were delighted to be there and support the expansion of TRI-M type training to new regions in Mongolia. Pastors Ron Berrus and Drew Fenstermacher were great in teaching their course material and connecting with the Mongolian Church Leaders (students) even with the challenges of the language barrier..
Also it was exciting to see God open the door for actively planning these Leaders to move towards taking on some of the teaching responsibilities. I will be meeting with them on next trip to discuss aspects of teaching these type of courses to Church Leaders and by the following teaching module we will plan on one or two of them co-teaching sections of my course to the Mongolian students. This is major step forward for these leaders and real answer to your prayer investment in these teaching modules. Thank you for praying GOD's will be done!
Doug also had a great meeting in a scheduled airport layover to connect and speak with a Church Leader representing a more sensitive country about future training. Amazingly even though we both were in route somewhere, we were able to connect in the airport and share time together discussing what God might open up for us to work together.
One more item I would desire to mention. The Mongolians have requested a Cam-recorder (possibly digital) in order to record the lessons being taught. Not all recorders would be practical as there would be need to copy and distribute the recorded sessions and the students hoping to use the recording may not have a way to play it back. It was suggested that this would expand the local training that the students could bring back to their Churches fro each teaching module. Also a MP-3 recorder would be a great addition for those without the technology for video playback.
If anyone would have a Video recorder that they could donate, please let us know the details and we can discuss if that would fit their need. Our time frame is seeking to secure something by mid-April. Thank you for considering this matter.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)
We desired to update and let you know that I have returned from Mongolia yesterday. In answer to your prayer support, the teaching module went very well. The Mongolian Leaders chose a new location for this teaching module in order to expose this type of training to a new area. We are over half way in the training cycle of this second group of Mongolian Church Leaders. Being at this new location provided a great way to prime the pump for a third group to expand outside the major area of the first and second group of students if Jesus does not return before. The training seemed to go very well and local Pastors were very encouraged that we were there doing the training. Most of the students had to travel greater distances but they still came and were delighted to be there and support the expansion of TRI-M type training to new regions in Mongolia. Pastors Ron Berrus and Drew Fenstermacher were great in teaching their course material and connecting with the Mongolian Church Leaders (students) even with the challenges of the language barrier..
Also it was exciting to see God open the door for actively planning these Leaders to move towards taking on some of the teaching responsibilities. I will be meeting with them on next trip to discuss aspects of teaching these type of courses to Church Leaders and by the following teaching module we will plan on one or two of them co-teaching sections of my course to the Mongolian students. This is major step forward for these leaders and real answer to your prayer investment in these teaching modules. Thank you for praying GOD's will be done!
Doug also had a great meeting in a scheduled airport layover to connect and speak with a Church Leader representing a more sensitive country about future training. Amazingly even though we both were in route somewhere, we were able to connect in the airport and share time together discussing what God might open up for us to work together.
One more item I would desire to mention. The Mongolians have requested a Cam-recorder (possibly digital) in order to record the lessons being taught. Not all recorders would be practical as there would be need to copy and distribute the recorded sessions and the students hoping to use the recording may not have a way to play it back. It was suggested that this would expand the local training that the students could bring back to their Churches fro each teaching module. Also a MP-3 recorder would be a great addition for those without the technology for video playback.
If anyone would have a Video recorder that they could donate, please let us know the details and we can discuss if that would fit their need. Our time frame is seeking to secure something by mid-April. Thank you for considering this matter.
Striving to Serve Christ,
Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)