PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH (Hebrew - Praise Yahweh);
ALLELOUIA (Greek LXX not translation but transliteration of Hebrew letters into Greek letters :-)
YES, HE IS RISEN INDEED - however you express it! But express it we must! Of course we are to live out the truth of Jesus' resurrection every day of our life, even into eternity, if we are born again! (Romans 6:9,13; 8:1ff) But this week of all weeks we are to sing out His praise in both amazement over Jesus' suffering and death and joy over His resurrection and exaltation above every name as expressed in Romans 15:9-11.
There is something grand and uplifting to the soul about the Resurrection Day singing that lifts me higher than the Christmas Carols sung throughout the "holiday season" in December. Of course it was such a revealing tine when Cheryl and I could truly connect Christmas and Resurrection Sunday celebration.
We hope you are able to lift your hearts and, Lord Willing, your voice in praise to God for His glorious plan and purposes even when they involve temporary "light momentary afflictions preparing for us an eternal weight of Glory beyond all comparison" 2 Cor 4:17. Rejoice with the angels above and marvel in Jesus' gift of eternal life this week and forever my friends.
I want to share a quote from Spurgeon's Sermon - Holy Song from Happy Saints -you can find the sermon at -
"There is no engagement under Heaven that is more exalting than praising God—and however great may be the work which is committed to the charge of any of us, we shall always do well if we pause awhile to spend a time in sacred praise.
We don’t sing enough, my Brothers and Sisters! How often do I stir you up about the matter of prayer, but perhaps I might be just as earnest about the matter of praise! Do we sing as much as the birds do? Yet what have birds to sing about, compared with us? Do you think we sing as much as the angels do? Yet they were never redeemed by the blood of Christ!"
Thank you for joining with us in serving our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ through TRI-M Africa and Mongolia! It is all because He Lives and we continue to seek to represent you well as we serve Him throughout East Africa and Mongolia.
Striving to Serve Christ, Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)
ALLELOUIA (Greek LXX not translation but transliteration of Hebrew letters into Greek letters :-)
YES, HE IS RISEN INDEED - however you express it! But express it we must! Of course we are to live out the truth of Jesus' resurrection every day of our life, even into eternity, if we are born again! (Romans 6:9,13; 8:1ff) But this week of all weeks we are to sing out His praise in both amazement over Jesus' suffering and death and joy over His resurrection and exaltation above every name as expressed in Romans 15:9-11.
There is something grand and uplifting to the soul about the Resurrection Day singing that lifts me higher than the Christmas Carols sung throughout the "holiday season" in December. Of course it was such a revealing tine when Cheryl and I could truly connect Christmas and Resurrection Sunday celebration.
We hope you are able to lift your hearts and, Lord Willing, your voice in praise to God for His glorious plan and purposes even when they involve temporary "light momentary afflictions preparing for us an eternal weight of Glory beyond all comparison" 2 Cor 4:17. Rejoice with the angels above and marvel in Jesus' gift of eternal life this week and forever my friends.
I want to share a quote from Spurgeon's Sermon - Holy Song from Happy Saints -you can find the sermon at -
"There is no engagement under Heaven that is more exalting than praising God—and however great may be the work which is committed to the charge of any of us, we shall always do well if we pause awhile to spend a time in sacred praise.
We don’t sing enough, my Brothers and Sisters! How often do I stir you up about the matter of prayer, but perhaps I might be just as earnest about the matter of praise! Do we sing as much as the birds do? Yet what have birds to sing about, compared with us? Do you think we sing as much as the angels do? Yet they were never redeemed by the blood of Christ!"
Thank you for joining with us in serving our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ through TRI-M Africa and Mongolia! It is all because He Lives and we continue to seek to represent you well as we serve Him throughout East Africa and Mongolia.
Striving to Serve Christ, Doug Boisvert, D. Min.
Tri-M Eastern and Central African Director
sent out by Springville Baptist Church, PA
"To this end I also labor, striving according to His working..." (Colossians 1:29)